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“My passion for this area and its people really inspires my career, I love this area.  I want to help others make the most of their opportunities and I’m very committed to helping people discover the same things that make this area so special to me.”

~Beth Garrish~

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A Bird’s Eye View of Selling Your Home

If you haven’t sold a home before, the process can seem complex and even intimidating. It really isn’t. In fact, the steps to selling your property - quickly and for the best price - are straightforward, although not necessarily easy. Here’s a bird’s-eye view of the...

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A Helping Hand

Are you planning on doing some work around the house this year? Maybe you want to do some painting or get some needed repairs completed. Maybe you’re planning a major improvement, like a new kitchen or bathroom. Whatever you have in mind, I might be able to help. How?...

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Happy Easter!

Who doesn't love Easter and all the delicious food that comes from the inevitable family dinner?  What is your favourite thing about Easter dinner?  Do you have any favourite recipes to make? Here's one that's always a crowd pleaser, and pairs perfectly with a...

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