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“My passion for this area and its people really inspires my career, I love this area.  I want to help others make the most of their opportunities and I’m very committed to helping people discover the same things that make this area so special to me.”

~Beth Garrish~

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Beyond Boxes

Beyond Boxes

As you can probably guess, when you're preparing to move, you'll need boxes and tape - and, perhaps some bubble-wrap or old newspapers to use as protective wrapping for delicate items. But that may not be all you need.  Take a look at this list and see if you'll want...

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DIY-Friendly Bathroom Makeovers

DIY-Friendly Bathroom Makeovers

Want to make your bathroom look fantastic without having to do a major renovation? There are a lot of projects you can do yourself. In fact, there are some improvements you can get done in less than a day that will transform the look and feel of your bathroom. Check...

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