Market News
Real Estate Stats – Jan 2020
Real Estate Stats for Oliver, British Columbia, for the month of January, 2020. Statistics taken from SOREB - the South Okanagan Real Estate Board. This Year-to-Date comparison is taken from a relatively small time period. Stats can seem to differ more greatly when...
Year-End Market Stats for Oliver
Real Estate Stats for Oliver, British Columbia, for the 2019 year-end. Statistics are provided by SOREB – the South Okanagan Real Estate Board.
2019 saw a decrease in listings and number of sales, but a 4% increase in Single Family Home prices over 2018, and approximately 11.5% increase over 2017
BCREA Housing Market Update
BC Real Estate Association (BCREA) Chief Economist Brendon Ogmundson discusses the September 2019 statistics.
Market Stats
Stats include July and Year-to-Date for 2019. For more information on the local real estate market, contact Beth! [fac_button icon="envelope-o" name="email" text="Email Beth for more information" link="" target="_self" color="#ffffff"...
Second Quarter Market Update
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Market Update – First Quarter
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